Research engineer, Kalray, France.
Solutions definition and implementation of software solutions for high performance on Kalray MPPA manycore processors.
Research engineer, QOSMOS, France.
Solutions definition and implementation of high-performance DPI software and appliance on Linux and network-processors based platforms.
Research engineer, Motorola Edge Mobile Networking Lab, France.
Participation to internals, french and europeans research projects about network and transport layers in the mobile networking field.
Solutions definition, architecture, prototyping, evaluation and tests on embedded Linux platforms.
Training, Motorola Edge Mobile Networking Lab, France.
Development and tests of mobile IP solutions, over various network access technologies, like Ethernet, Wifi, GPRS or Bluetooth. Port and tests of these solutions on embedded Linux platforms.
Training, Motorola Edge Mobile Networking Lab, France.
Development and tests of TCP/IPv6 performance optimization algorithms, for mobile environments under GNU/Linux (kernelspace and userspace).
IT skills
Programming languages
C, Python, C++, Java
Application level: SIP, HTTP...
Networking level: GTP, TCP, UDP, IP (v4/v6), ICMP (v4/v6), Mobile IP (v4/v6), IP multicast (v4/v6), on Ethernet, Wifi, cellular or Bluetooth...
Embedded systems
Vendors SDK, OpenWrt, OpenEmbedded, Symbian
Operating systems
GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Windows
management of a home www, mail and other services server under Debian Linux using OpenVZ.
Academic achievements
IT engineering specialized degree, Ecole des Mines d'Alès' EERIE institute, France.
Generalist engineering degree, Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, France.
fluent, IELTS: 7/9, TOEIC: 910/990
Hobbies and interests
Non-profit and free software
Member of the non-profit network operator French Data Network.
Occasional participation to various free software projects such as OpenWrt.
Personal free software projects available at
Newspapers, Fantasy, SF and scientific and computing books and magazines.